What is a talent agency (definition)?
How do Agencies make $?
What's the primary role of an agent/agency?
What are "package fees?'
Different kinds of agencies- literary/talent
Difference between "above the line" and "below the line"
What are the Big Seven Agencies? (APA, CAA, Gersh, ICM, Paradigm, UTA, WME/IMG)
Social Effects of Media
2 types of quantitative techniques used to study effects of media-- survey and experiment
TV ads and kids
Can the media set the priority of certain issues for the public? What’s this called?
TV violence—what do the surveys tell us? What about the experiments?
TV and prosocial (positive) behavior
Exposure to pornography and callousness toward women
First Amendment
Law of Defamation: Libel vs. Slander
Thresholds of libel: publication, identification, defamation, fault
Summary judgment
Actual malice
Defenses of a libel suit: truth, privilege, fair comment and criticism
Public figures vs. private citizens
Invasion of Privacy
Types—intrusion upon solitude, unauthorized release of private information, creating a false impression, appropriation of identity
Copyright-- Fair use provisions: purpose, nature, amount reproduced in proportion to whole, effect on the potential market value;
life of author + 70 years; 95 years from time of publication or 125 years from time of creation, whichever is shorter.
Can't copyright an idea, only the expression of an idea.
Law of Obscenity-- Miller v. California
Three-pronged test to determine obscenity:
1) whether the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the work as a whole appeals to the most prurient interest;
2) whether the work depicts or describes in a patently offensive way certain sexual conduct that is specifically spelled out by state law
3) whether the work as a whole lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value
FCC fines for indecency
Previous material that will be reviewed:
Components of the American TV Systems (Broadcast and Cable)-- (networks, affiliates, production studios, syndicators, advertisers)
Elements in the communication process (source, message, channel, receiver, noise, feedback)
Different communication settings (intrapersonal, interpersonal, small group, organizational, mass)
The major mass media (newspapers, books, magazines, radio, sound recordings, television, internet, movies, video games, etc.)
Functions of the mass media: surveillance; interpretation; linkage; transmission of values; entertainment
Categories of the uses and gratifications approach: cognition; diversion; social utility (conversational currency; parasocial relationships); withdrawal
Concentration of media ownership and possible concerns (be sure to know who owns each major studio and each major broadcast network)
Organization of movie industry (production, distribution, exhibition)
Nielsen Ratings, shares
Concerns about the Internet—lack of gatekeepers, info overload, privacy, escapism
Dramatic structure
Convergence and Disintermediation
History/evolution of Communication (language, writing, printing, telegraph, photography/movies, broadcasting (radio + tv), digital revolution, wireless hand-held media)
Escaping "from" vs. Escaping "into"
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